Discovering A Giant Object Washed Ashore, People Speculate That It Belongs To The Most Mysterious Missing Plane In Aviation History

According to the BBC and other foreign media, on July 17, the Australian Space Agency posted a photo on their Twitter page and received a lot of attention from the community. network.

In the post, the agency said it discovered a mysterious metal object on a beach near Jurien Bay, Western Australia. Based on the posted images, this object is made of metal, cylindrical in shape and giant in size.

According to reports, the giant object was discovered by locals on a beach called Green Head and informed the police. Due to the special shape, some people suspect that this may be a part of Malaysia Airlines passenger plane MH370, the plane that mysteriously disappeared in March 2014.

Meanwhile, the Western Australian police force said they would consider this a dangerous object “until its origin is determined” and said it was not one of the pieces of debris from the plane. the above mentioned misfortune.
The BBC also reported that aerospace expert Geoffrey Thomas believes the object could be a rocket fuel tank that was launched into space last year and accidentally fell into the Indian Ocean. Experts speculate that if it is indeed a fuel tank, it could be a rocket from India and could contain toxic substances.

Regarding the hypothesis related to aircraft MH370, Thomas also believes that this object does not belong to any part of the missing Boeing 777. He said it had been nine and a half years since the flight disappeared, so there would have been more signs of wear and tear on the wreckage.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is still a plane crash with many mysteries. It is known that this flight carrying 239 people disappeared without a trace less than an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on March 8, 2014.

Despite months of search and rescue efforts by countries, governments and private entities, after more than 9 years, the wreckage of this plane has still not been found and has become an unanswered question. There is a solution from the world aviation industry.

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